Nunatta Katersugaasivia Allagaateqarfialu
Greenland National Museum & Archives
Since Erik Holtved’s archaeological excavations of the 1940s and Eigil Knuth’s excavations in the 1950s Nuulliit has been a key area for understanding prehistoric Greenland. The film shows the area where Holtved did most of his excavations, marking some of the key landmark finds in Greenlandic archaeology. Among these was his discovery of the oldest well-preserved anorak and other well-preserved finds. But Nuulliit has also been important in understanding the chronology of the prehistoric east Arctic region. The film offers insight into the composition of the landscape, the current threat of erosion, and where the 2015 excavations were made.




2021 - Reports from Greenland National Museum & Archives

Qaqortoq Øst: Arkæologisk besigtigelse. NKA rapport nr.: 2021_1 - Christian Kogh Madsen (danish)

Qasigiannguit B-3 Fredningsværdibeskrivelse, B-3, Qasigiannguit - Jeppe Lorenzen (danish)


2020 - Reports from external projects

Moriusaq Archaeological Excavations 2019 - John Darwent (english)


2016 - Reports from external projects

REMAINS of Greenland - REsearch and management of Archaeological sites in a changing environment and society. Field report 2016 - red. Jørgen Hollesen (english)


2015 - Reports from external projects

Palaeoenvironmental investigations at two Norse farms near the margin of the Greenland Ice Sheet - Schofield, J.E., Lea, J.M., Mair, D.W.F., Pearce, D. & Rea, B.R. (english)


2014 - Reports from Greenland National Museum & Archives

Feltrapport om arkæologisk rekognoscering i Vatnahverfi 2014 - Christian Koch Madsen (danish)

2014 - Reports from external projects

The cultural history of the Innaanganeq Meteorite – technical report 2015 - Martin Appelt, Jens Fog Jensen, Mikkel Myrup, Henning Haack, Mikkel Sørensen and Michelle Taube (english)



2013 - Reports from Greenland National Museum & Archives

Anlæg fra Den Kolde Krig i Grønland - Jens Fog Jensen, Inge Bisgaard og Jens Heinrich (danish)


2012 - Reports from Greenland National Museum & Archives

ISUA Survey Report 2012 - Mikkel Myrup (english)
Ilimanaq B-803 Fredningsværdi DK - Inge Bisgaard (danish)

2012 - Reports from external projects

Det forsvundne folk fra Vatnahverfi - Maria Louise Petersen og Niels Lynnerup (danish)


2011 - Reports from Greenland National Museum & Archives

Ilua Valley, Nunasarnaq and Kuannersuit Archaeology - a survey - Mikkel Myrup (english)



An Archaeological Survey in Tasiusaa Area Performed in the Autumn of 2010 - Pauline K. Knudsen (english)

Ruinpleje Igaliku - Georg Nygaard (dansk)

Kuannersuit - Mikkel Myrup (english)

Paakitsoq - Mikkel Myrup (english)

Ruingruppen Sissarluttoq i Igaliku Fjord - Niels-Chr. Clemmensen & Hans Kapel (dansk)



Arkæologisk Rapport Paakitsoq, 2009 - Claus Andreasen (dansk)

Archaeological survey, Isua Project 2009 - Martin Appelt (ed.) (english)

Archaeological Surveys in the West Greenland Inland, summer 2009 - Pauline K. Knudsen (english)

Vatnahverfi Field Report 2009 - Chr. K. Madsen (english)



ALCOA 2007-08 - Pauline K. Knudsen (dansk)

ALCOA 2007-08 - Pauline K. Knudsen (kalaallisut)

ALCOA 2007-08 - Pauline K. Knudsen (english)

ALCOA 2007-08 Final Report - Pauline K. Knudsen (english)

Report on archaeological surveys in areas bordering the lakes Tasersiaq
(7e), Qaamasoq, Tarsartuup Tasersua and Tussaap Tasia (6g) carried out
for Alcoa August 2008
- Pauline K. Knudsen (english)

Vatnahverfi Greenland 2008 - Konrad Smiarowski (english)

Besigtigelsesrejse Sydgrønland, juni 2008 - Einar Lund Jensen (dansk)

Isua, 2008 - Mikkel Myrup (english)



Vatnahverfi Greenland 2007 - Konrad Smiarowski (english)

Kangerluarsuk, Qaqortoq, 2007 - Niels Algreen Møller (english)

GeoArk 2005 & 2007. Rapport over rekognoscering i Nordøstgrønland - Jens Fog Jensen m.fl. (dansk)

Archaeological Excavations at Qassiarsuk, Brattahlid E29N Field Report, 2007 - Ragnar Edvardsson (english)

ALCOA Archaeological Report 2007 - Ulla Odgaard (english)



Vandkraftværk - Tasersuaq, Sisimiut 2006 - Georg Nyegaard (dansk)

Iterlaa rapport, 2006 - Mikkel Myrup (dansk)

Besigtigelsesrapport for 61V3-III-541a, Ø28a, Qassiarsuk, 2006 - Niels Algreen Møller (dansk)

Archaeological survey at Dundas - Notes on archaeological features, August 2006 - G. LeMoine (english)



GeoArk 2003, Wollaston Forland - Mikkel Sørensen og Claus Andreasen (dansk)


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