Nunatta Katersugaasivia Allagaateqarfialu
Greenland National Museum & Archives

Reporting template for archaeologists working on cruise ships

For the purpose of monitoring and protecting Greenland's heritage sites, archaeologists on cruise ships are required to submit reports detailing their on-shore activities and group visits. These reports should include photo documentation of archaeological remains, observations of any changes to protected sites, and data on visitor numbers, time spent at sites, and any incidents or interventions that occurred.

Below we have summarized a few helpful points to ensure that the information you provide is consistent with the conventions for reporting used by the Greenland National Museum and Archives:

  • Archaeological reports should be submitted to the Greenland National Museum no later than six months after the last day of the expedition. Please send the report to
  • For all registered heritage sites in Greenland, please include the NKAH or Bruun # in the report. The identification numbers can be found in the Greenland National Museum’s online database, Nunniffiit.
  • When reporting coordinates and locations please use Greenlandic place names and specify geographic coordinates in either Decimal Degrees or UTM.
  • Maps should always include a scale bar and a north arrow.
  • When taking photos of archaeological remains and features, it is often helpful to place an object in the photo to provide scale. Additionally, including some type of landscape feature in the background (for example a mountain range or prominent boulder) is good practice. In the photo caption please include the photographer, year, and which direction the photographer is facing when taking the photo.
  • ***PLEASE BE AWARE*** The 2010 Greenland Heritage Act specifies that visitors (including visiting archaeologists) should always remain at least 2 meters (6 feet) from the edge of an archaeological feature or ancient remains. If you include a person in the photo for scale, please make sure they maintain this minimum distance from the edge of the feature.
  • If you observe severe damage or vandalism at an archaeological or heritage site, please immediately contact the Greenland National Museum either by email ( or by phone (+299 32 26 11).

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